Shejr Dar Vasfi Tochikiston
Supportive Living Services for People With Disabilities Supportive Living Services brings hope and a higher quality of life to people with cognitive disabilities. We provide skilled, compassionate, supportive living services for people with developmental disabilities, persistent mental illness and brain injuries. Services are available at an hourly rate. Limited financial assistance is available. We identify and build upon the unique strengths of each individual, and those who receive our services are treated with dignity and respect at all times. Our services are informed and guided by the values of inclusion, family and the full acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities in the larger community. Supportive Living Services was previously known as the SAJD Supported Living Program.
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Contact us at. Sha’arei Tikvah Celebrations for All are inclusive, accessible, community-wide and suitable for all ages. They grew out of a need for holiday events that were meaningful for individuals with cognitive disabilities, as well as their families and friends.
Sha’arei Tikvah has developed into an integrated, welcoming community that prays and celebrates together. Sha’arei Tikvah events take place four times a year: • Rosh Hashanah Service • Chanukah Celebration • Purim Celebration • Summer Shabbat Experience JFS partners with Temple De Hirsch Sinai and Temple B’nai Torah for Sha’arei Tikvah programs that: • Are led by Cantor David Serkin-Poole of Temple B’nai Torah, Rabbi Aaron Meyer of Temple De Hirsch Sinai, JFS staff and special guests. • Draw from all the major Jewish denominations. • Provide kosher, catered snacks. • Provide volunteer opportunities for people of all abilities.
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• Are very experiential, including music, art, dancing and more, as well as traditional liturgy.