Prezentaciya Na Temu Laboratornie Metodi Issledovaniya

  суббота 09 февраля

The idea behind the SpermVital technology is to extend the life of spermatozoa after insemination. To achieve this, sperm cells are immobilized in a natural substance before cryopreservation. This immobilization preserves energy and enables a controlled release of sperm cells in the uterus after insemination over an extended period of time. This makes timing of insemination less critical with regards to ovulation in the female, and increases the odds of fertilization success. New revolutionary technology – prolongs the lifespan of semen ADVANTAGES • Timing of insemination will be less critical.

• Conception rate will be higher than or at least equal to conventional semen. • Inseminations per heat can be reduced. • Inseminations on weekends and public holidays can be reduced or avoided altogether. • Conventional insemination equipment and technique is used. (we recommend 36-38°C for at least 1 minute, and then inseminate as soon as possible) For the herd owner, this translates to reduced insemination costs and improved herd fertility, both factors that lead to increased profitability. Wapdamcom games for pc free

The idea behind the SpermVital technology is to extend the life of spermatozoa after insemination. To achieve this, sperm cells are immobilized in a natural substance before cryopreservation. This immobilization preserves energy and enables a controlled release of sperm cells in the uterus after insemination over an extended period of time. Na celuloznih nanofibrilah ali nanokristalih temelji na vlivanju organske raztopine in nadaljnji evaporaciji topila 11 ali na metodi ekstruzijskega me{anja, pri kateri mora biti oja~itveni element v obliki suhe snovi – navad-no prahu.12 V prvem primeru pridobimo transparentne filmske strukture z.