Arduino Hx711 Weight Scale Interface 1 0 Software

  вторник 22 января

Arduino and HX711 Load Cell weight scale to keep track of our Bearded Dragon's weight. He's too long for typical kitchen scale. The Dragon Weigher - Arduino Uno Controlled HX711. Also the ADC on the arduino is 10 bit which provides a maximum of 2^10 ie. 1024 readings compared to HX711 which is 24 bit ADC and easy to interface. HX711 Datasheet. The Hx711 uses SPI interface to communiacate to the Arduino. (Refer Data sheet for more info) More info on DfRobots. Connecting to Arduino. Connection is pretty simple.

Need to weigh anything? A Bearded Dragon perhaps? The latest member of our family, a bearded dragon named DaVinci had a stomach bug which was really messing with his appetite, etc. We needed a scale with a resolution in the grams/oz. Range but with a big enough base to hold him in his entirety so we could make sure he was on the rebound to health with his diet. Gotta eat those BUGS BUDDY BOY!

Arduino and HX711 Load Cell weight scale to the rescue. Read on to build one for your reptile family members, or for whatever you need to weigh.

DaVinci's Weigh-In 1. Parts Needed: Any reference to merchants and particular parts is just that, reference. Caveat Emptor. • 5kg Load Cell and HX711 Combo Pack Kit - • NOTE for the kit above: One side both holes tapped M4 thread, the other side both holes tapped M5 thread.

• Arduino UNO - • Precision Steel Scale Calibration Weight Kit - • For Parts: 4 wheel 2 layer Robot Smart Car Chassis Kit (I used the acrylic bases and standoffs from a previous project I had built, so parts were already present for me) • LCD 1602 w/I2C Serial Backpack - • Jumpers, USB Cable 2. Software Needed: Assumptions: • Knowledge of Arduino IDE. • Knowledge on installing and utilizing Arduino libraries. • Knowledge of obtaining libraries from GITHub. Libraries: • Obtain and install the HX711 library from Git: • Obtain and install the LiquidCrystal_I2C library from Git: Final Arduino Sketch: • See attached.

YouTube Resource I Used: • Ralph Bacon's Videos and Downloads I used for this project. 3: Hardware Setup. This is where YOU need to get creative based on what you have on hand for building the scale frame.

Whether it's like mine or if you just want to use some Popsicle sticks and 2X4's. It's your call.

Regardless of how you assemble it, just pay close attention to connection locations and jumper cable lengths you'll be using. Power Up and TEST your connections once, or twice, before you put it all together. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure all solder joints are completely and solidly soldered on the HX711. It is very sensitive to external EMF. One of my connections was off just a little and the numbers went haywire!

I would wave my hand 3 foot above the rig and it would stop dead in it's tracks.

Eat pork moderately. Stran Some studies declare that a few ejaculations per week will assist to prevent cancer of prostate.